Saturday, May 9, 2009

The Sprint Towards the End

This will be a truncated entry. The primary reason for this is that there is a mad dash hitting 7-1 Social Studies students over the next ten days. It is hard to believe that our journey that has been filled with intensity and focus will be reaching its natural end, but the final point is in sight. This will translate to students hitting their strides as they head around the last turn with nothing but might.
This is the basic breakdown of how things will run over the next two weeks:
* Tuesday, May 12- All Chapter 12 Work Due.
* Wednesday, May 20th- All Chapter 13 Work Due.
* Thursday, May 21- All DBQ Revisions Due.

Students will be working throughout the next two weeks on the completion of chapter 12 (The Age of Reform) and chapter 13 (Westward Expansion). In addition to this, students will have several opportunities to earn "additional credit":
* Moodle Rewards for the next two weeks.
* Four Points of Additional Credit for any student who brings in a box of Kleenex or Hand Sanitizer over the next two weeks. (Limit 12 points per student).

Naturally, students will be working with a level of focus and intensity that might be reflective of what has been given throughout the year, but I suspect a heightened sense of activity as we approach "the fierce urgency of now."

As students work towards the end of our journey, I avail myself to all students and parents/ guardians. Please do not hesitate to contact me at school or at my home.
Best wishes as our students "come around the turn."
Mr. Kannan

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