Sunday, December 14, 2008

Closing out strong: The end of one half of a journey

The week before Winter Recess brings with it the conclusion of the Chapter 6 Writing Tasks. Students will spend the next week using in class time to draft their work. Rough drafts will stop being read by Tuesday, and final drafts will start being accepted thereafter, with Friday being the last day to accept the Final Drafts. After this, we go home for a much needed two week respite from LCD Projectors, Daily Planners, and Assessments. (It should be known that I am offering extra credit tasks over break so that students do not lose touch with Social Studies in its entirety.)

When we return from break, we will engage in a study of the Constitution. We will also work towards taking our five day final exam at the end of February. Our focus will then lie in the emergence of political parties in America, and the much talked about, Chapter 9 Teaching Assignment, where students teach the class. After this, I anticipate that we will have multiple roads in front of us and the path that students take will rest upon their shoulders. In terms of other items that I will be offering, I believe that I will use Core Extension time to prepare a lesson on Human Rights based on Jefferson’s Declaration of Independence, and, in coordination with Ms. Hill, a class on test preparedness and minimizing test anxiety. The former should happen in January while the latter should take place afterwards.

We have reached a half way point in our journey. Yet, we have miles to go before we sleep and my hope is that students use the break to recharge, reenergize, and refocus their efforts in their pursuit of “the good, the true, and the beautiful” in Social Studies and their 7th grade Social Studies experience.

All best and happy holidays.
Mr. Kannan

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